
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Garden Club News

Garden Club have been hard at work in Maria's Meadow this term looking after our native wildflowers, and planting Scabious and Campion plants which we have grown from seed over the winter. The meadow was created a number of years ago in memory of a past pupil Maria Wray and is now a haven for wildlife.

We were lucky enough to receive some funding which is set aside each year for projects around the school and a new sign has been made for the meadow to help identify the wildflowers and bees.  We were also able to create a wildlife treasure hunt comprising of a number of brass rubbings with insect images mounted on tree stumps.  We are very grateful to Burch Tree Work in Cambridge for donating the wood for this. Hopefully everyone will continue to enjoy this peaceful space for many years to come.
