Year 5 visit to IWM Duxford
Thursday 23rd February proved a thoroughly great day for Year 5. As part of our 'World at War' topic, we visited the Imperial War Museum, Duxford. When we arrived, we headed straight for Hangar 8 where all the land warfare equipment was located. There we marvelled at the true size of tanks and artillery guns. Passing comments included 'this really brings the true scale of these war machines to life'. This is what we were hoping for, to see up close and personal, the actual pieces of equipment and machinery that various countries used during these terrible conflicts.
We were lucky enough to examine planes that fought above the skies during The Battle of Britain and to see them restored to their former glory made the them even more remarkable to see. It truly was an unforgettable day to fill our minds of the history of the World Wars. The adventure was superbly topped off by venturing through a much more modern, yet incredible plane - Concorde.