
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Vision Day Friday 19th November 2021

Today in school we have had our Vine Vision Day. The aim of today was for all of our pupils to develop a greater understanding of our Vision and Values.

The day was split into 4 parts, with each year group taking part in a range of lessons both inside and outside.

The success criteria for the day was the following:

  • I can say our Vine Vision prayer and know that it is our school vision.
  • I can name our Vine Values and definitions.
  • I can describe what is ‘The Great Commission’ (Matthew 28) and know that this is the biblical rooting of our school vision.
  • I can be part of a prayer space activity and know the purpose of our classroom prayer space.

It has been an enjoyable day for everyone with some amazing learning produced. Today, each pupil will be bringing home the expectations for home learning for their year group. One of the activities set is linked to our Vine Vision. We look forward to your child being able to share this with us, later on this term.

