Vine Year 5 RE Trip
At the Vine we’ve had a great start to the year welcoming new staff, pupils and families to the Vine family. Our school trips have begun, and Year 5 visited Queen’s Park in Bedford. The purpose of the trip was to experience the cultures and religions of Christianity, Islam and Sikhism as well as visiting their places of worship. Queen’s Park is an ideal place to visit a church, a gurdwara and a mosque as each one is only 5mins from each other. The church offered a great experience to wander around finding symbols of faith. The Mosque welcomed our questions, and we learnt a lot about Hajj. During our time in the Gurdwara we enjoyed their hospitality, and we were fascinated by the colours, smells and sounds of this new place of worship.
This was a great opportunity to bring R.E to life through these first-hand experiences. This visit gave our pupils’ a glimpse of a community in which people live alongside each other, recognise difference but celebrate the common life, culture and beliefs that they share.
At the Vine this is very important to our Vision of a happy peaceful school.
Comments from the pupils.
"We had a really great time enjoying the religious places of worship and had a party on the bus on the way back!" Aashvi
" It was all new and interesting to us because I haven't visited any of these places." Rufus
"I learnt a lot today which I didn't know before". Lily-Mai