
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

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Methodist Prayer Competition

On Wednesday(27th Nov), Mrs Grimshaw led an assembly to launch the Methodist Prayer Handbook competition.


The theme for the forthcoming Handbook is ‘The Earth is the Lord’s’ (Psalm 24:1).

The television series ‘Blue Planet II’ highlighted the way human activities are having a major effect on the life systems of our world. Climate change, species extinction, polar ice loss, sea level rise, land and air pollution and waste disposal are all traced back to aspects of our choices. Tragically, those most affected are the poor who have contributed least to the problem.


The Methodist Prayer book have also said they would also welcome prayers for the general pages at the front of the Handbook on the following themes: the comforting presence of God, justice, adoration and thanksgiving, confession, times of life, times of day, and the glory of creation.


Prayers should not exceed 120 words or 12 lines. 


When submitting prayers, please give your full name and class name. These can be emailed through to or handwritten copies to Mrs Grimshaw.


The deadline for submission is 31 January 2020


Good luck!
