International visit to Spain
The Vine places huge importance on our international links and for the past few years, The Vine has been fostering links with a bilingual Spanish Catholic school with similar values to ours. This October half term, 4 members of staff were finally able to undertake a trip to Cadiz to spend time at Colegio Salesianos after having to cancel the previously planned trip due to the Covid pandemic. The school is largely like the Vine, with a big emphasis on the school ‘family’. From their visit to the Vine, Salesianos staff took back our school prayer, and our values, the fruits of the spirit. It was amazing to see part of the prayer on the walls around the school, as well as printed in their workbooks. It’s very touching to think that there is a part of The Vine enhancing the lives of pupils in southern Spain. We hope pupils will get the opportunity to interact with each other by writing and exchanging letters and book reviews. Who knows, maybe we can even arrange an exchange one day too!