
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Cambourne’s been invaded by the Romans and Vikings!

This half-term, pupils in years 4 and 6 at The Vine School have each enjoyed an immersive history day. The pupils have been invited to leave their usual school uniforms at home and instead don authentic dress and enjoy a whole day crammed full of history activities.

The pupils in year 4 currently studying the Romans, donned Roman costumes and spent the day digging for artifacts, translating Latin inscriptions, studying Roman coins found here in Cambourne and made Roman inspired mosaics. We’re happy to report that no door mouse were eaten as part of the day either!

“My favourite part was the archaeology dig. It was fun and you felt like a real archaeologist. We had to record our findings too, which was really life like.”

Further up the school in Year 6, the Vikings invaded. Our pupils were replaced by fearsome Viking warriors, intent on wreaking havoc. They prepared themselves for battle by creating shields, writing secret messages into clay, designing and making longboats and finally re-enacting a Viking burial. The war cries rang out far and wide as they warriors said farewell in the traditional style.

“I really enjoyed creating the shields, it’s something I’ve never done before. I was shocked when the teachers set fire to the boat, it was really dramatic!” – Year 6 pupil
