Book Week at Home
The Vine Remote School Celebrated Book Week 18th – 22nd May 2020
The Vine has previously enjoyed Book Week, during the last week of the Summer 1 term. We wanted to continue the tradition this year, so despite not being physically at school, we all embraced Book Week at Home with the strap line:
‘Create a Book Nook to enjoy Book Week at Home’
(Nook: an undisturbed corner or space.)
We were inundated with photos, videos and anecdotes showing a range of cosy, quiet, sunny and some bizarre book nooks! Examples included: cushions in the bedroom, in the (dry!) shower, a tent in the garden, in a sandpit, the cupboard under the stairs, on the stairs and in the dog’s bed! Most importantly everyone was reading, from FS1 to Year 6, and sharing stories, facts and songs with family and, through the necessity of email and video, their teachers and teaching assistants too. Here are just a few of the great activities that made our remote book week special.
FS2 made everyone smile with their cleverly cut class rendition of ‘Elmer the Rainbow Elephant’ song and the Year 1 adults had everyone guessing in their dress-up ‘Who Am I?’ book character quiz. Mr Minei gave Joe Wicks a run for his money with a great week of book related PE workouts and Mrs Irish organised bookworm quizzes and competitions. Year 6 also fed our bookworm brains with book and author puzzles and facts. FS1 were challenged to go on a book hunt, with questions like Can you find a story about a bed? Some of us were challenged to ‘behave like a book character’ – could we do it for an hour… a day…? What would they eat for lunch? Others got crafty making story sacks for their favourite books. Books were reviewed, rated and shared. Mixed-up fairy tales and sequels were written. And finally, we relaxed, closed our eyes, listened to stories and imagined what was happening, adding our own details.
What a fantastic ‘Book Week at Home’!