
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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Christmas Smart Learning

Pupils at The Vine had an exciting time during their Christmas smart learning day. In foundation stage, Pre-school and Reception came together to learn about the meaning of Christmas based on different activities around The Nativity. They had lots of fun dressing up as characters from The Nativity, creating collages of baby Jesus in his manger and lots of other wonderful learning.  The rest of the school were in mixed aged groups to learn about Christmas around the world. Pupils were interested to learn about Christmas in Russia, Spain, China and Kenya. They also learned how the four areas of the Methodist Calling; Eucharist, Service, Worship, and Learning and Caring, relate to The Nativity and their links to the bible.

Pupils enjoyed reading stories from other cultures, learning traditions such as putting your shoe on the window sill for gifts in Spain and making lanterns like they do in China. They are very excited to send letters they have written to Uzimatele, one of our international church links in Kenya. Pupils also reflected on the awe and wonder of the world, who is important to them and what they are grateful for.
