
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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The PE curriculum at The Vine is designed to develop skills across a range of sports to encourage participation and enjoyment whilst developing knowledge and understanding.  We seek to give children opportunities to learn about healthy lifestyles and mental wellbeing which is associated as benefits linked to physical activity. Furthermore, we want to nurture a lifelong understanding of sport and activity and the development of teamwork and sportsmanship. Celebration of PE does not end in the classroom; playground or field, but opportunities to develop skills in sporting festivals, fixtures, and tournaments is paramount to further consolidate understanding and a love for PE.


PE at The Vine provide:

  • Opportunities to listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding.
  • Opportunities to explore and develop skills across a variety of sports.
  • Opportunities to practice, rehearse and develop skills over the course of a series of lessons, to produce a final piece/performance.
  • Pupils will have a chance to use and apply learnt skills in competitive and non-competitive matches, against classmates, parallel class and other schools..
  • Opportunities to transfer skills, tactics and understanding from one sport to another.
  • Opportunities to use skills as model examples and demonstrations to their peers.
  • Pupils will be aware of specific rules and regulations for a variety of sports and be expected to abide by them as well as being given the opportunity to referee games themselves.
  • Opportunities to share and showcase skills, performances and achievements through worship, website and weekly newsletter.
  • Opportunities to learn about healthy lifestyles, identifying ways in which we can live these including activity and food choices.
  • Pupils will be aware of safe practice within sport and exercise including using and setting up equipment and be prepared and readied for activity – warmups and cool downs.
  • Pupils will have access to a variety of age appropriate equipment and apparatus, shown how to ue it accurately and safely as well as opportunities of exploring the imaginative use of it.
  • Pupils will be aware and expected to show sporting values within PE and apply these to other areas of school life both in the classroom and outside.
  • Pupils will be encouraged to take risks in their learning  

How does PE link to our school vision?

Let peace dwell here – respect to the opposition, teammates, coaches and officials.

Let love abide – supportive relationships, sharing best practice with less confident teammates.

Love of Mankind – connecting locally and globally with the wider community, learning about different cultures e.g. Haka in Rugby.

Love of life itself – learning a range of different sports and recognizing the importance of healthy eating and fitness to pursue a healthy lifestyle.

Links to Christian and British Values:

Mutual respect and tolerance: pupils develop an understanding and respect for teammates and opposition; whilst appreciating that we can all make mistakes; despite at trying to do the right thing. Demonstrate respect and tolerance to the officials even if we disagree with their decision.
