
The Vine Inter-Church

Primary School

...opening hearts and minds...

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 Our School Prayer is rooted in our biblical vision: The Great Commission . The vision prayer we have for our school is a way that we break down the bible verse in Mathew to be meaningful and directly relevant to people in our school community. We say our prayer at the start of the week in Monday worship and again on  Friday, to ensure that it wraps around our week.

Our School Prayer joins our school family together- we say it for all members of our family: current, past and future.


This is our school.

Let peace dwell here,

Let the rooms be full of contentment,

Let love abide here,

Love of one another,

Love of mankind,

Love of life itself,

And love of God.

Let us remember

That, as many hands build a house,

So many hearts create a school.



 Our key biblical link is Matthew 28:16-20. 





Writing prayers & leading worship:

At The Vine we believe in using prayer in a number of ways. This is one way that we can follow the instructions of Jesus at The Great commission to spread his message. We also talk to pupils about the example set by John Wesley and his belief in the power of prayer. If you would like  to learn more about the different types of prayer we use or to learn to write your own prayers and lead worship please watch the training videos we have recorded. These training videos are used to ensure that worship leaders in our school have a common base of training to build upon:


Remembrance Prayer by Year 3

Dear God

Help us to remember all those who fought in the war for us 100 years ago.

Thank you to all those brave men and women who still risk their lives to protect us every day.

Help us wear our poppies with pride for many more years to come.



Remembrance Prayer by Year 4

Dear God,

We remember.

I feel the touch of red poppies swaying against my frightened skin.

I hear guns firing and families crying.

I see the sight of the soldiers’ injuries, poppy-red.

I smell the stench of sadness in the soldiers’ breath.

I taste fear in my mouth, dry as the smoky air.


I feel the velvet poppies entwined into barbed wire fences,

I hear the sound of silence complete with loneliness and fear

I smell the blood from the innocent soldiers

I taste the soldiers’ confidence, perseverance and bravery

The sight of the sun setting in the distance engulfing the poppy field as the day draws to an end…

It is finished.





